Friday, February 24, 2012


Here is a group of songs we made in the past 2 months (Jan./Feb. '12.) These are some outtakes from all of the other stuff we've been recording. We've got a lot of "extra" stuff laying around and will probably post another 5 track set in March '12 sometime. 

1. Moenkopi

2. In the Pines

3. Black Rock Wilderness

4. Remoteness

5. Entrenched Meander

Thursday, February 2, 2012


We'll be uploading a 6-track set called "Earthforms" in about 3 weeks (2/25/12.) These are outtakes and simple sounds we've had laying around for a while. Sort of an "EP." Inspired by our surroundings. Here's the first track: 

* Track Removed here, but uploaded with the rest of the tracks on "Earthforms" post.